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以下是关于四川细砂回收装置设备详细信息介绍,小编带大家一起看看吧。一、产品介绍Product introduction目前现有的人工砂生产线,…

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一、产品介绍Product introduction

目前现有的人工砂生产线,绝大部分采用湿法生产工艺,不论采用何种机型的洗砂机,其.大的缺点是细砂( 0.16mm 以下颗粒)流失严重,有的甚至流失 20 %以上,这不但损失产量,而且还严重影响砂子的级配,造成级配不合理,细度模数偏粗,大大降低了机制砂的产品质量。过多的细砂排放,还会造成环境的污染。

The existing artificial sand production line, most of the wet process, regardless of the type of sand washing machine, its biggest drawback is fine sand ( 0.16mm particles following serious loss or loss ), 20% and above, which not only yield loss, but also seriously affect the sand gradation gradation unreasonable, cause, fineness modulus of coarse sand, greatly reduce the product quality. A plethora of fine sand discharge, but also cause environmental pollution.

为解决上述问题,我公司研制了 TYX 系列细砂回收系统,该系统是本公司吸收国外的**技术,结合我国的实际情况而设计的具有..**水平的细料回收装置,广泛应用于水电站砂石骨料加工系统、玻璃原料加工系统、人工制砂生产线、选煤厂粗煤泥的回收及环保工程(泥浆净化等)等,可有效的解决细砂回收问题。

In order to solve the problem, our company developed the TYX series of fine sand recovery system, the system is the company's absorption of foreign advanced technology, combined with China's actual conditions and the design of the world's advanced level of fine material recovery device, widely used in Hydropower Station aggregate processing system, glass raw material processing system, artificial sand production line, coal preparation plant of coarse coal slime recovery and Environmental Engineering ( mud purification ), can effectively solve the problem of fine sand recycling.

二、工作原理:Working principle


the fine sand reclamation system structure: is composed of motor, pump, cyclone, ZKR linear vibrating screen, a cleaning tank, material return box


Fine sand reclamation system work process: sand and water mixture is transported to the cyclone centrifugal classification, concentration of fine sand after sand mouth is provided to the vibration sieve, vibration sieve dehydration, fine sand and water separation, small amounts of fine sand, mud and the material returning box back to the cleaning tank, cleaning tank level too high, the discharge port. Linear vibrating screen recycling material weight concentration of 70%-85%. Regulation of fineness modulus can be obtained by changing the pump speed, change the mortar concentrations, regulating overflow water, replacing sand mouth to achieve. In order to complete the cleaning, dewatering and grade three functions.


三、特点及优势:Features and advantages


the traditional artificial sand processing technology, artificial sand washing mud, dehydration by spiral sand washing machine, artificial sand ( especially fine sand drain can hardly control ). The fine sand reclaiming device, can effectively reduce the loss amount of fine sand, so its control in 5 ~ 10%. Very good solution to the artificial aggregate processing system of finished product fineness modulus of sand, stone powder content on low problem


vibrating screen used polyurethane screen, polyurethane screen than other types of screen mesh of longer service life, and is not easy to plug holes.


cyclone lined with polyurethane, improves the service life of the whole device, can be successfully completed slurry concentration, liquid clarification etc..


the fine sand reclamation system maximum recyclable emissions in 85% of the fine material, with other equipment there is nothing comparable to this technical and economic advantages.


fine is fully recovered, reducing sedimentation tank workload, reduces the cost of cleanup of sedimentation tank;


Fine sand reclamation system reduces the fine natural stacking time, can directly transport, supply market.


According to the different requirements of customers, design the corresponding solutions

四、技术参数Technical parameters


