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带式压滤机 Belt type filter press设备详细信息介绍:一、产品概述product overview:带式压滤机是一种的力矩大、输出平稳、稳速…

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带式压滤机 Belt type filter press设备详细信息介绍:

一、产品概述product overview:


Belt type filter press is a kind of large torque, stable output, steady speed high precision, low noise, strong anti-interference ability of vacuum filtration equipment, belt filter press with large capacity, full dehydration characteristics of sludge dewatering processing suitable for multi application environment.



二、产品特点Product features:


The series belt filter press has the advantages of compact structure, novel pattern, convenient operation and management, large processing ability, low water content of filter cake and good effect. Compared with the same type of equipment, it has the following characteristics:


The first gravity dehydration section is tilted, which makes the sludge from the ground up to 1700mm, which increases the height of the sludge in the gravity dehydration section and improves the dehydration capacity of the gravity.


The gravity dehydration section is long, the first and second gravity dehydration sections are more than 5m, so that the sludge is dehydrated before the press is fully dehydrated. At the same time, special mechanisms such as reversal are also set in the gravity dehydration section, and the minimum water content of the sludge filter cake is obtained by the effect of "wedge" shape and "S" form pressing.


The first dehydrating roll adopts the "T" type discharge tank, which makes a large amount of water discharged rapidly after the press, thus improving the effect of dehydration.


There is an automatic control device for the running of the filter belt and so on. The tension of the filter belt and the moving speed of the filter belt can be adjusted freely, and the operation and management are convenient.


Low noise and no vibration.


The dosage of chemical drugs is less.

三、工作原理The working principle:


After the sludge concentration and flocculant concentration in static and dynamic mixer mixing, tiny solid particles in the sludge into larger poly flocculent masses, and separation of free water, flocculated sludge is transported to the concentrated gravity dewatering filter belt, are separated in the free water under the action of gravity the formation of the flow state of the sludge, and then sandwiched between the upper and lower two belts with wedge after preloading, the low pressure zone and the high pressure area from the extrusion pressure, shear stress, gradually squeezing sludge, mud and water in order to achieve the maximum degree of separation, and finally form a cake discharge.

1、化学预处理脱水Chemical pretreatment dehydration


In order to improve the dewatering performance of sludge, improved the properties of filter cake, increase the permeability of the material, the need for sludge chemical treatment, the machine uses a unique "water flocculation mixer" device to achieve chemical flocculation effect, this method not only has good flocculation effect, can save a lot of drugs, low operation cost. The economic benefit is very obvious.

2、重力浓缩脱水段Gravitational dehydration section


The sludge hopper evenly into the net with the sludge with the filter belt to move, free water under gravity through the filter belt into the gutter, gravity dehydration can also be said to be highly concentrated, the main role is to remove the free water in the sludge, the sludge flow decreases, preparing for further extrusion

3、楔形区预压脱水段Prepressure dehydration section in wedge-shaped region


The flow of the sludge gravity dehydration after almost completely lost, with the belt press filter belt is moving forward on the filter belt spacing gradually reduced, the material began to be slight pressure, and with the filter belt running, pressure gradually increases, the wedge area is the role of extended gravity dehydration time, extrusion stability increased floc, do prepared to enter the pressure zone.

4、挤压辊高压脱水段The high pressure dehydration section of the extrusion roll


The material from the wedge into the pressure zone, the material in this area by squeezing, running along the direction of the filter belt pressure increases with the decrease of extrusion roller diameter, material by extrusion shrinkage, clearance of free water in material is extruded, the basic form filter cake, high pressure area continued to pressure the pressure after the tail the water content of the filter cake can be reduced to the lowest.

5、物料排出Discharge of material


After dewatering, the material is filtered out, scraped down through the scraper plate, separated from the upper and lower filter strips. After the high-pressure rinse water is removed, the trace materials between the holes of the filter mesh are removed, and proceed to the next dehydration cycle.

四、技术参数Technical parameters

